Congratulations to Graham Dunsmore for being the Last Bowler Standing! Jan Collings took second place.

Update: Dec. 11th
According to forecasts at this time there is a 35% chance or rain around 2 pm when we are scheduled to have our last bowler standing event with the possibility of a Thunderstorm increasing closer to 4 pm. If the weather is not suitable for bowling on Friday please come to the Charlotte Centre anyway at 2 pm. There will be some indoor games until the happy hour which will start at 4 pm.
Sign Up for Last Bowler Standing at the green. This is a fun elimination game where anyone can play. The farthest bowl from the jack is removed after each end. Once all your bowls have been eliminated you are out of the game. The last 2 remaining bowlers face off to get a single champion. Once you’ve been eliminated you can cheer or jeer the other bowlers.